
peep .. 

in my earlier post .. i gave uh quick breakdown on the difference between investin' n .. tradin' options ..

as for this post .. we'll be discussin' uh resource that could assist you in that realm .. 

again .. NOT TRADING .. that's uh different sport in the financial world .. 

with investin' .. you put money in uh stock .. etc etc .. n lettin' it grow !

ya profit is based on the compoundin' of interest .. in relation to the stock price n .. the amount of money you have invested in that particular stock ..

read that again if you need too thoo !  

you can get uh 2 for 1 if you invest in uh company that pays dividends too thoo but .. i won't get into that right now .. but i will at uh later date ! 

uh resource that's real helpful when it comes to investin' would be compoundingquality.net .. yes .. i will go through some stuff myself n .. breakdown how i plan to invest .. usin' this resource but i don't believe in bein' uh gatekeeper so .. there you go ! 

look around .. get familiar but remember .. the next time you use your disposable income to buy uh purse .. uh pair uh shoes .. that shiny new gadget etc .. you're investin' in your immediate needs with .. no return at all ! 

now or later is the choice .. now with no return or .. later with uh ( potential ) return .. you're money is at risk either way so .. 

choise wisely ! 


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