
first off .. the name uh this game uh lyfe is business n .. in business it was always said to .. buy low n .. sell high .. 

investing is like uh piggy bank that multiplies ( over tyme .. with all the fluctuating of prices which .. most people call " volatility .. " ) .. trading is another form of business in my opinion .. but it involves contracts .. not tangible goods .. and / or services ..

peep ..

as uh basketball fan .. collecting basketball cards was uh thing growin' up .. although they have new ways to do it digitally .. with brands like nba topshot n so forth .. back then it was with physical cards thoo but picture this ..

in his rookie year .. uh rookie michael jordan card would be valuable .. but let's fast forward uh bit n .. let's just say .. as he became more popular over time .. that same rookie card would become more valuable .. 

if you were in that position .. would you ever think to sell that card .. ?! if not .. that's what an investor does when .. investin' in stocks .. they would hold on to it n .. let the value continuously increase .. over time thoo ..

if at any point you would think to sell the card n .. given uh set time frame to do it .. at what point would you do it .. ?! hopefully at uh time you feel that card reaches it's highest point of value within .. the allotted time provided to you ! that .. sums up how trading would be .. with options .. contracts at least .. 

just tryna tie ya shoes uh bit .. ik i needed this too cause uhh .. growin' up i was slippin' on how all that works but .. 

understand that first n .. more knowledge soon thoo .. 🤝🏾

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